O-1B Approval for Photographer from Germany

We received an approval for an O-1B change of status for a photographer from Germany. Congratulations to our client!

Our client was initially in the United States on an L-2 visa as the derivative spouse of an L-1. Their relationship had broken down and they were planning to file for divorce; once divorced, our client’s L-2 status would have automatically ended. Upon reviewing her past work, I saw that she had a good shot of meeting the extraordinary ability criteria for an O-1B visa and therefore could be a principal beneficiary herself. She also had companies in the United States that wanted to work with her. Her O-1B change of status petition was approved without a request for evidence.

While obtaining a derivative immigration status can be a great benefit for families, you can always apply to have your own immigration status. This may make sense if a relationship is breaking down and you do not want to be dependent on your spouse’s status. It also would make sense if your derivative status does not permit you to work and you have a job opportunity. If you find yourself in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to reach out for a comprehensive consultation.


O-1B Approval for Fashion Designer from Japan


O-1B Approval for Shoot Producer from United Kingdom