O-1B Approval for Designer from India

We recently received an approval for O-1B status for a Designer who is an Indian national. Congratulations to our client!

Our client works full-time as a designer for an advertising agency. Although the agency was willing to sponsor him for an O-1B, he preferred an agent-based structure to enable him to take on freelance design work outside of this role over the next three years. For an O-1B agent based petition, you can take on additional gigs, even if they did not exist at the time you filed your O-1, so long as the work is in the same field.

Are you curious whether the O-1B is the right classification for you? Email me to set up a consultation, so we can talk in detail about what it is and whether it is a good fit. You can reach me at amir@rasoulpourlaw.com.


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