O-1B Approval for Fashion Designer from the Dominican Republic
We recently received an approval for a Fashion Designer who is a national of the Dominican Republic. Congratulations to our client!
Our client was working in the United States on OPT after graduating the previous year from art school in the United States where he studied fashion design. We were able to demonstrate that he met the criteria for extraordinary ability based upon his critical role at a fashion wholesaler, his work on distinguished productions for fashion houses during their seasonal runway shows, as well as the prestige of his own designs that were featured in press and at other significant fashion events. We submitted the O-1B petition as an agent-based petition so that he could continue his full-time work, while also pursuing part-time work at other fashion houses & continue building his own brand. The petition was submitted via premium processing so as to prevent any gap in employment authorization and was approved without a request for evidence.
I have completed several O-1 petitions for fashion designers. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you are also interested in discussing your options for working in the United States in this field. I can be reached directly at amir@rasoulpourlaw.com.